The Body of Desire (2012)

Work description

The body of our desires speaks and dances. We dance because we suffer from our desires. The body we have makes everything significant: we experience tension, pleasure and consumption in it. A feeling of deficiency and incompleteness is always deep in us when the object of our desire is dancing. We aspire to fill in what is missing in our lives and to make up for our losses and shortcomings. The world always belongs to the ‘other’. The choreographer inside our dancing bodies, long gone out of our possession and which we are craving to surrender to the gaze of the viewer goes on talking.

Work details

Dance&Text: Ayrin Ersöz
Visual Design and Video: Metin Çavuş
Light Design: Ayşe Sedef Ayter
Translated into English: Ceren Yalın
Premiered at 18th Istanbul Theatre Festival, May 2012
